Lenovo has launched yet another hybrid tablet PC in its ‘IdeaPad’ series called IdeaPad Lynx K3011, which has been priced at Rs.51,990/- and comes with detachable keyboard dock. According to the company, this is the first ‘Wintel’ Premium Productivity tablet which acts not only as a tablet but also as a PC. This one runs on Microsoft’s latest operating system i.e. Windows 8. The keyboard dock is optional and so are the other accessories such as Lenovo 11 inch screen film and Micro HDMI to VGA converter.
This hybrid tablet has a gigantic 11.6 inch IPS 5 point multitouch screen with Full HD (1366 x 768 pixels) resolution and 400 nit brightness. Like we said, it comes equipped with latest Windows 8 operating system. The IdeaPad Lynx K3011 tablet PC has a 1.8 GHz Intel Atom Z2760 dual-core processor equipped with 2 GB LPDDR2 RAM. It has only one camera of 2 Megapixel at front. The hybrid comes in two inbuilt storage variants i.e. 32 GB and 64 GB and there is a microSD card slot for further expansion (32 GB Max).
The tablet provides complete connectivity with Bluetooth v4.0, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, micro HDMI, micro-USB and 2 USB v2.0 ports on the keyboard dock. In terms of multimedia, the tablet comes with dual inbuilt stereo surround sound speakers, dual digital microphone and 3.5 mm combo audio/mic jack. The supported sensors of the tablet are G-Sensor, Proximity Sensor, E-Compass and ALS. There are a total three buttons on the tablet i.e. Power Key, Volume Key and Windows Home button (excluding the keyboard dock).
The tablet comes in only Purple-Grey color. It is powered by a 6800 mAh lithium polymer battery that provides 16 hours of battery life only if attached with the keyboard dock and if not the tablet itself could stand up to 8 hours. The dimensions of the tablet are 300.9 x 188 x 9.48 mm (W x H x T) and its weight is about 640 grams without the keyboard dock but when it is attached the tablet hybrid weighs around 660 grams.
The tablet comes preloaded with loads of apps including Microsoft Office 2013, Norton Internet Security, Nitro Pro 7 PDF, Lenovo Cloud by Sugar Sync, Intel AppUp, SymSlient, Skype, Evernote, eBay, Norton Studio, Amazon Kindle, Fresh Paint, Encyclopedia Brittanica, Merriam Webster, AccuWeather, Rara etc. However, you may not find all these apps on your tablet as they vary region-wise.
If you want to purchase this tablet just give a call to 1-800-3000-9990, which is toll-free. And if you want to know about this ‘Wintel’ Premium Productivity tablet, head over to the Lenovo’s official website.
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